Sub-Second AI powered Answers
in the palm of a hand, on your site or in your app
100% browser based platform
Easy familiar chat interface + custom integrations
Multilingual support & real-time translation
Compliance - GDPR, encrypted messages
Data never used to train other AI models, private chatbot
80% of customers like chatbots
50% of consumers choose a chatbot over a human to save time
*Patent Pending AI
External Customer Facing
or Internal Only Solutions
Isolate how you use your solutions with separate dedicated apps
Multilingual - 80+ Languages
Real-time translation of all you assets
Auto-language input recognition and translation
Visually Impaired Supported
Browser based solution utilizes
Users Visual Enhancement Device Settings
Brown Bacon AI for
Food Service
Restaurants, Hospitality & Bars
You need customers engaged, excited to be there... and most of all buying. Introvert customers usually don't want to ask questions and extroverts want lots of engagement options.
Get customer engaged with:
Your Full Menu
Your full Wine List
Your Full Drink List
... and trying new things with deep expert level recommendations on beverages & food.
(Also this solution is extremely helpful for new staff or those without special training)
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Brown Bacon AI for
Venues &
Deliver the knowledge Patrons want during the experience
Allow customers to go deeper with every art piece, every item beyond just the title or just find out the schedule of events you have planned next.
Deliver an experience that extends beyond just the visit with a solution that is there for them before, during and after the experience.
Brown Bacon AI for
& Venues
Raise the roof on the Customer Experience in one simple solution.
+ full Multilingual Support
100s to 1000s of people all wanting to know:
What is the event schedule?
Where is parking?
How do I get there?
What food is available?
Where is the VIP entrance?
Where are the bathrooms?
What are the lodging and camping details?
What will be the security protocol?
(App is extremely helpful for new staff or those without special training)
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Brown Bacon AI for
Large Format Grocery & Retail
Grocery & Large Format Retailers
Customer Service Perfection
#1 Question in Large Format retailers is - "Where is the...?"
We have all been in the mega retailer looking for drywall screws or smoked oysters.
BrownBacon AI delivers simple custom Scan Code signage and no-app required application for customer inventory access . It can even provide all the store information as well.
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Brown Bacon AI for
& Business
Everything from product lookup, customer service, support and business information on the website, chat solution, or at the kiosk
Let's automate the first tier of customer service to deliver your business: Unlimited customer support scaling
24x7 customer support
Backed by bleeding edge generative AI knowledge base with an 155+ IQ
Need more? We have the ability to custom integrate to a variety of applications.
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Deliver 24x7 Premier Tier Service:
Our patent pending AI Mee model is specifically designed to address the needs of wellness, healthcare, and pre/post operative care.
Create an expert knowledge-base solution based on pre/post operative care documents & physician supplied recommendations
AI Mee can support fully Automated AI Customer Service solutions
20-second Integration - your apps & website
Fully multilingual - 80+ languages
Go live in as little at 48-hours
Compatible with simple scan codes, websites, apps.
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Brown Bacon AI
AI Mee
Premier Tier Patient Care
Brown Bacon AI for
Fully Automated
Customer Service
with human backup
with Chatbots & Email Automation
Fully Automated AI Customer Service solutions
Inbound email answered by deep knowledge Generative AI
Customer Service team provides back for complex issues
Online chatbot can deliver the same depth of answers
AI Product Finder Knowledge Base
20-second Integration - your apps & website
Fully multilingual - 80+ languages
Go live in as little at 48-hours
Compatible with simple scan codes, websites, apps
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Brown Bacon AI for
OTJ - On the Job
Staff Training
& Process Adherence
Onboarding training is great, but knowledge retention is short
Deliver a mobile solution that offers the staff ongoing success and direct access to lookup of products, services, process and procedures even during high stress moments when seconds count.
Employee handbooks, standard processes and procedures, emergency contacts and processes, plus product, company and services information all at their fingertips every day without yet another management call.